nazah afreen

Cosmere Catalog #2: Planets in Cosmere and their mentions

Read Time: 19 minutes
Published On: October 23, 2023
Cosmere Catalog 2

The next part of Cosmere Catalog is here. The Cosmere is a vast universe created by Brandon Sanderson, encompassing numerous planetary systems and planets. Some of these planets play a significant role in the intricate storyline Sanderson is weaving. Some have entire books and series dedicated to them, while others are mentioned in passing but hinted to be crucial for upcoming stories.

Each planet is unique in terms of geography, location, and the manifestation of Investiture, resulting in mind-boggling magic systems that are unfathomable.

So I decided to make it concise and create a brief overview of all the planets in Cosmere so far

PlanetsSeries & Books
RosharThe Stormlight Archive: The Way of Kings, Words of Radiance, Edgedancer, Oathbringer, Dawnshard, Rhythm of War
ScadrialThe Mistborn Saga: The Final Empire, The Well of Ascension, The Hero of Ages, The Alloy of Law, Shadows of Self, The Bands of Mourning, The Lost Metal, The Eleventh Metal, Secret History, Allomancer Jak and the Pits of Eltania
SelElantris, The Hope of Elantris, The Emperor’s Soul
LumarTress of The Emerald Sea
KomashiYumi & The Nightmare Painter
TaldainWhite Sand Vol 1, Vol 2, Vol 3
CanticleThe Sunlit Man
AshynThe Stormlight Archive
YolenArcanum Unbounded: The Cosmere Collection, The Sunlit Man
ThrenodyShadows for Silence in the Forests of Hell, The Sunlit Man
First of The SunSixth of the Dusk
UTolYumi & The Nightmare Painter
BjendalArcanum Unbounded: The Cosmere Collection
ObrodaiArcanum Unbounded: The Cosmere Collection
MythosThe Lost Metal
VaxArcanum Unbounded: The Cosmere Collection
BraizeThe Stormlight Archive



Roshar is a planet in the cosmere and one of 13 planets in the Rosharan system. It is the second planet from the system's sun, orbiting between Ashyn and Braize, and it has 3 moons.

Rosharan ecology is influenced by 4 major factors:

  • lower gravity,
  • higher oxygen content,
  • highstorms and
  • spren.


There are 13 races on Roshar. In modern times these have broken up into more than 26 nations or regions

  • Alethi: Known for their military heritage and have light eyes. They have a class system based on eye color where Lighteyes are the noble, ruling class and darkeyes are the peasant, worker class.
  • Vedens: Share some physical characteristics with the Horneaters, such as red hair and freckles.
  • Horneaters: Horneaters are known for their pale skin, tall stature, and red hair. They have extra jaw pieces at the back of their mouths which help them eat shells.
  • Herdazians: Herdazians are a human race with listener blood in their ancestry. They have dark brown skin, dark crystalline fingernails, dark eyes, and curly black hair.
  • Thaylens: They have long, white eyebrows, which are characteristic of the Thaylen people. Some wear them tucked behind their ears.
  • Natan: They have pale bluish skin with wide noses and wool-like white hair.
  • Makabaki: They have dark skin and black hair.
  • Selay: Their skin ripples. They have two races, Purelakers (leathery skin, dark hair, long limbs) and Babath (women with patterns of veins beneath the skin).
  • Iriali: They have yellow eyes, golden hair, and golden skin often painted in patterns & colors.
  • Shin: They are mostly short stature, have pale skin, have large round eyes and men tend to be bald.
  • Reshi: They have tan skin with straight black hair and rounded features.
  • Singers: They are the original inhabitants of Roshar. Singers include Listeners, Regals, Fused, and Voidbringers depending on how they interact with investiture on their planet.
  • Aimians: Aimians are a unique species on Roshar, and they come in two types: Dysian Aimians, also known as Sleepless and Siah Aimians. Both types are intelligent beings, but they’re not human. They have some special abilities, like being able to live forever and change their bodies using magic. Even though they’re not human, Siah Aimians can have children with humans. But this isn’t possible with Dysian Aimians.


The flora of Roshar has adapted to harsh environmental conditions such as highstorms. Almost every plant has a mechanism by which it protects itself from highstorms.


Roshar revolves around highstorms and its creatures have learned to adapt to its unique environment. such as:

  • Axehound: a dog-like creature;
  • Cremling: a crustacean-like creature common in places where crem is found;
  • chasm-fiends and chulls;
  • Hasper: a small two-shelled creature that proliferates during the Weeping.

Key Location

Some key locations where the series takes place are:

  • Alethkar
  • Shinovar
  • Shattered Plains
  • Urithiru
  • Aimia
  • Jah Kaved
  • Herdaz
  • Kholinar

Magic System

Some mind-bending magic systems from this series are:

  • surgebinding
  • voidbinding
  • fabrial science
  • old magic



Scadrial is hanging out in a solar system that doesn’t have a name, orbiting a yellow star that’s pretty much like our Sun.

When the Final Empire started, Rashek used some power at the Well of Ascension to scoot the planet closer to the sun to get rid of the Deepness. This made it necessary to create ashmounts to block out the sun because it was too close.

Then Harmony came along and corrected the orbit to where it is now.


Species living on Scadrial were created by Ruin and Preservation, and they look like Yolish humans.

During the Final Empire, two more species popped up

  • the shapeshifting Kandra and
  • the near-mindless Koloss
  • After the Catacendre, the koloss became a true breeding race, known as koloss-blooded.


Scadrial was pretty much like Earth. It had a blue sky, clouds, a yellow sun, flowers, and green plants. But Rashek changed the orbit and made it covered in ash and mist.


Scadrial contains animals very similar to Earth. There aren’t enough details yet.

Key Locations

Some key locations from both eras of Mistborn are:

  • Luthadel
  • Urteau
  • The Pits of Hathsin
  • The Terris Dominance

Magic Systems

The Mistborn series has some mind-blowing magic systems based on metals. They are:

  • Allomancy
  • Feruchemy
  • Hemalurgy



Sel, also known as Seol, is the second planet in the Selish system, orbiting a yellow star named Mashe while in turn being orbited by a single blue-white moon named Oem.


The inhabitants of Sel were created by Devotion and Dominion in the image of Yolish humans.

  • Elantrians: They are a race of magical beings who live in the city of Elantris.
  • Seons: They are sentient Splinters of Devotion and are often bonded to humans.
  • Skaze: They are sentient Splinters of Dominion and are often seen floating around in Fjordell


Among these was Shu-Dereth, who dominated the planet

  • Shu-Korath: This is the dominant religion in Teod and is also practiced by some in Arelon.
  • Shu-Dereth: This is the state religion of Fjorden.
  • Jesker: This is a minor religion practiced in some parts of Arelon.
  • Dakhor: This is a monastic religion practiced in Fjorden.

Key Locations

Some key locations where the plot of Elantris takes place

  • Elantris: home to the immortal Elantrians who were seen as gods.
  • Arelon: The story takes place predominantly in Arelon.
  • Teod: The neighboring country of Arelon, home of Princess Sarene
  • Fjorden Empire: An external aggressor, from which the priest Hrathen hails.


  • Shaod: It turned people into Elantrians with divine abilities to create and heal. However, after the Reod, those affected by the Shaod became cursed with unquenchable hunger and unhealable pain.
  • Reod: This is the cataclysm that destroyed the magic of Elantris.

Magic Systems

The magic system of Elantris is truly marvelous.

  • Aondor
  • Dhakor
  • ChayShan
  • Forgery
  • Potion Making
  • Blood Sealing



Nalthis is a planet in the Nalthian system of the cosmere, where the Shard Endowment resides. It is inhabited by humans and has several states, including Idris and Hallandren. A person from Nalthis is called a Nalthian. A single moon named Rrendos orbits the planet.


The world of Nalthis, as depicted in Brandon Sanderson’s Warbreaker, is home to a variety of creatures. Here are some of the known creatures that inhabit Nalthis:

  • Humans: The primary inhabitants of Nalthis are humans.
  • Returned: These are individuals who died heroically or sacrificially and were brought back to life by the Shard Endowment. They are considered gods in the Hallandren society.
  • Lifeless: They are re-animated corpses that have been endowed with a semblance of life through BioChromatic Breath. They can follow simple commands and are often used for labor or warfare.
  • Awakened objects: They are inanimate objects that have been brought to life through BioChromatic Breath. These can range from pieces of clothing to ropes and can be commanded to perform tasks

Key Locations

Some key locations in Warbreaker where the bulk of the plot takes place:

  • Hallandren: Main city, known for vibrant colors.
  • Idris: Mountainous region north of Hallandren.
  • Pahn Kahl: Located south of Hallandren.
  • The Court of Gods: Residence of the Returned in Hallandren.
  • T’Telir: Capital city of Hallandren.

Magic Systems

Some details about the magic in Warbreaker:

  • BioChromatic Breath: The essence of magic, can be transferred between people.
  • Awakening: Uses Breath to animate objects.
  • Returned: Heroic individuals revived by the Shard Endowment.
  • Lifeless: Reanimated corpses controlled by commands.
  • Color: Used as fuel for Awakening.
  • Heightenings: Power levels based on the number of Breaths held.



Lumar is a planet in the cosmere with 12 moons, each home to a unique strain of aethers. The moons cast shadows on the planet, cooling the land.

Aether spores rain down from the moons onto Lumar’s surface in falls called lunagrees, covering the planet in oceans of aether spores.

Each sea is pentagonal, of the same size. The surface is effectively a pile of sand.

The seas are named after the color & the spores they associate with

  • Emerald Sea
  • Crimson Sea
  • Midnight Sea
  • Sapphire Sea
  • Rose Sea
  • The other 7 seas are unnamed

Key Locations

The key locations in "Tress of the Emerald Sea" include:

  • Diggen's Point: This is an isolated island where Tress, the protagonist, lives. It lies near the Emerald sea
  • Midnight Sea: This is a deadly sea where Charlie, Tress's beloved, is captured by the Sorceress.

Uses of Aether Spores

  • Crimson: Forms sharp, deadly spines, used in combat.
  • Zephyr: Forms air and dioxygen, used for propulsion and producing breathable air.
  • Verdant: Forms vines, used for immobilization and as an emergency food source.
  • Sunlight: Forms light and heat, used for illumination and cooking.
  • Roseite: Forms crystals, used for repairs and in explosives.
  • Midnight: Forms Midnight Essence, used for spying and control.

Magic Systems

In “Tress of the Emerald Sea”, the magic is related to the planet's environment. The planet has twelve moons, and each moon has a type of spore that falls onto the planet. These spores fill the seas of Lumar.

The magic involves interacting with these spores in some way. However, when these spores come into contact with water, they can have dangerous effects. This makes traveling by sea quite risky.




Komashi is a planet in a book called “Yumi and the Nightmare Painter”. It’s part of a two-planet system with another planet called UTol.

The land on Komashi is mostly made of brownstone. Before some spirits called hijo came to the planet, Komashi was mostly a wasteland.

These spirits warm up the ground in some places and bring up water from underground through something called steamwells.

People on Komashi live near these steamwells. There are also hot areas between the steamwells where plants can’t survive.

When the father machine was activated on Komashi, it changed the planet’s environment. The spirits’ energy was redirected, which stopped the heat from the ground and affected the water cycle, causing regular rainfall.

The planet was covered by a shroud that blocked all sunlight, but plants adapted to grow near Hion Lines, a source of energy.


these are the types of races & creatures we see in the book:

  • Nightmare: These are scary beings that come from a dark fog. They feed off peoples’ nightmares and can even kill people.
  • Spirits: Spirits are beings that Yumi, who is a yoki-hijo, can summon and control to do various tasks for humans.
  • Humans

Flora & Fauna

The plants can float to avoid the hot ground. Many of these plants have big leaves that catch warm air from the ground to help them float higher. Some plants, like the mingo plants, have air pockets that they can use to move around.

These floating plants get their food and water from the air. Sometimes, these plants come closer to the ground, especially in the evenings when it’s cooler.

Key Locations

The key locations in “Yumi and the Nightmare Painter” are:

  • Kilahito: A city within the shroud on Komashi, where humans are kept warm and provided light by the hion lines.
  • Torio: extremely hot and humanity can only survive around geysers.
  • Cold Springs: A location in Torio where Yumi performs her ritual bathing.

Magic System

In “Yumi and the Nightmare Painter”, there are several types of magic:

  • Yoki-hijo Magic: Yumi, as a yoki-hijo, can summon and control spirits.
  • Painter’s Magic: Nikaro, also known as Painter, uses sumi-e painting to trap and disable nightmares
  • Hion Lines: In Kilahito, humans are kept warm and provided light by the hion lines. These are magenta or blue lines of concentrated power.
  • Shroud’s Magic: The shroud regularly produces coherent nightmares that can hurt or kill humans.
  • Body Swapping Magic: Yumi and Nikaro swap their bodies when they sleep.



Taldain is a very special planet in the story “White Sand”. It is tidally locked.

Taldain doesn’t spin like Earth. One side always faces the sun, and the other side is always dark.

Because of this, the planet has two halves. They are known as Dayside and Darkside

  • Dayside is always in daylight and is covered in sand and rocks. It has one big land area surrounded by ocean. There are 5 countries here.
  • Darkside is always in darkness. The details about its geography aren’t available.

The area between Dayside and Darkside is called the Border Ocean. There’s always a big storm in the middle of this ocean.

The sand on Dayside is white because of tiny living things on it. When people use this sand for magic, it glows and turns black.

Flora & Fauna

A wide variety of flora and fauna make their home on Dayside. However, due to the harshness of the sunlight and environment, most of the flora and fauna live beneath the surface of the sand1.


these are the types of races & creatures we see in the book:

  • Humans: Humans are the primary inhabitants of Taldain. They live on both Dayside and Darkside, the two halves of the planet.
  • Sandlings: Sandlings are creatures that live on Dayside. They digest the lichen that covers the sand, turning it from white to shades of translucent tan.
  • Lichen: The sand on Dayside is covered by a microorganism, likely a form of lichen2. This lichen is what gives the sand its white color and allows it to change between white and black in the process of sand mastery.

Magic System

Sand Mastery: This magic involves the telekinetic manipulation of white sand. When used in sand mastery, the white sand glows and turns black. This process uses up the user’s water supply in their body

The story is set in a desert world, Taldain, where a young Daysider man named Kenton trains to become a Sand Master, harnessing arcane magic to manipulate the planet’s sand1.

Following a surprise attack where many of his brethren are killed, Kenton must take responsibility to keep the order of Sand Masters alive and discover who betrayed them

Key Locations

Taldain has 5 countries on the dayside of the planet:

  • Kerzta
  • Lossand
  • Seewis
  • Denka
  • Tallon



Canticle is a fascinating planet characterized by its large and dense iron core. This unique feature contributes to the planet’s distinct geological characteristics. Canticle orbits a system that is surrounded by rings. These rings play a crucial role in the planet’s ecosystem as they reflect sunlight onto the dark side of Canticle. This reflected light supports the growth of plant life on the otherwise dark side, creating a unique and thriving biosphere.

The planet spins in a retrograde direction, which is opposite to the direction of its orbit around the sun. This unusual spin contributes to Canticle’s unique climate and weather patterns.

One of the most striking features of Canticle is its ever-changing geography. The extreme heat on the planet is so intense that it melts stone, constantly reshaping the landscape. This dynamic environment forces the inhabitants to be nomadic, always on the move to escape the relentless sun. The atmosphere on Canticle is thin, which further intensifies the effects of the sun’s heat.


The inhabitants of Canticle have a rich history that traces back to their original home, the planet Threnody. When Threnody was attacked by an unknown evil force, some of its inhabitants managed to escape and found refuge on Canticle. As a result, many aspects of Threnodite culture are still prevalent among the Canticle inhabitants.

Most inhabitants live in small, mobile cities that have the ability to connect and form larger settlements. These cities are designed to be modular and can break apart into smaller units when necessary, providing flexibility and adaptability in response to Canticle’s ever-changing geography. Each group within these mobile cities is led by a ‘Lodestar’, who serves as the chief navigator and leader.

Flora & Fauna

The flora on Canticle has adapted remarkably well to the planet’s intense sunlight and heat. Plants here complete their entire life cycle - from sowing to harvesting - in just a single day. This rapid growth not only ensures their survival in such harsh conditions but also provides a viable food source for the inhabitants.

Some airships are dedicated solely to farming these fast-growing plants, creating a unique blend of technology and nature that epitomizes life on Canticle.

Magic System

Magic on Canticle manifests itself through a simmering red/orange stone, initially referred to as an ember by Nomad, our main character. These embers serve as more than just an energy source for the planet; they are also central to Canticle’s magic system.

These embers can be implanted into individuals by replacing their hearts, resulting in a dramatic transformation. The process leaves a gaping hole in their chests and causes them to lose control of their minds. Once implanted with an ember, individuals become puppets for the Cinder King, the villain of the story.

Key Locations

The story unfolds in several locations due to the characters’ constant movement. Here are some key places:

  • Beacon: A floating city home to fewer than 135 people. The largest unit contains the ‘Chorus’, referred to as ‘shades’ in other books.
  • Union: A nation established and governed by the antagonist, the Cinder King.
  • Fighting Arena: where warriors are either implanted with the ember stone here or left to perish in the sun.
  • Refuge: A mythical underground land where the Beacon’s inhabitants are seeking to escape the Cinder King’s tyranny.

Other Planets


Ashyn, the first planet in the Rosharan system, was once like Earth. A disaster made most of it unlivable, but some areas, including floating cities, are still populated. Its magic comes from a link between energy and tiny organisms, so people get sick on purpose to gain powers.


Yolen is Hoid’s homeworld. Yolen is described as one of the most ancient planets in the Cosmere and is thought to be the place where the sixteen Shards shattered Adonalsium. It is mentioned in the context of the upcoming book 'Dragonsteel.' Not much detailed information about its geography or magic system is provided in the text. The three main species mentioned to inhabit the planet are Humans, Dragons, and Sho Del (humanoid but has four arms and reptilian eyes.)


Threnody is a world with two main parts. One part is empty and mysterious, and people who go there often disappear. The other part is like a wild and untamed place where people live in small groups. There are strange things called Shades and shadowy magic on this planet.

First of The Sun

First of the Sun is a planet within the Drominad system. It is known for its dominant feature of water and is inhabited by fully developed human societies. The planet contains a perpendicularity, a mysterious magical gate, even though no known Shard is residing within this system. The magic system on this planet is called Aviar, derived from a partnership with birds.


This planet, along with Komashi, is part of a dual-planet system that orbits a large red-orange sun. It’s mostly covered by oceans, with only a few land masses. From Komashi, it can be seen in the sky as a soft-blue star known as ‘Daystar’. Yumi views its appearance as a sign of good luck.

The most intriguing aspect is that the planet is home to the Sho Del, a species also found on the planet Yolen. This confirms the presence of the same species on two different planets. Alternatively, the inhabitants of Komashi may refer to Yolen as UTol, suggesting that they could be the same planet.


This planet is in a system that is considered one of the primary systems is Cosmere. Ghostbloods (a secret society on Roshar) mentions this planet as a very important planet.


Obrodai is a planet in Cosmere where Autonomy has started to manifest itself. In a message to Hoid, Patji, who is a part of Autonomy, told him not to come back to Obrodai. To make sure he stays away, the woman on Obrodai doesn’t like him. This planet could have a Perpendicularity (gateway to hop into realms in Cosmere)


Mythos is a planet mentioned by Kelsier to Harmony as a possible source of allies after Autonomy’s attack on Scadrial.


Vax is mentioned with limited information. The text does not provide a detailed description of this planet.


Braize is located within the Greater Roshar system and is described as cold and inhospitable. It serves as a prison for Odium's immortal minions and the Heralds of Roshar, whose ability to endure torture on this planet holds back devastation from coming upon the humans of Roshar.

These are the planets mentioned in Cosmere and there is more to come.

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